The children and teens etiquette and grooming coaching focused upon skills to help them succeed in the classroom, at home with peers in short, in life. Application of these skills leads to increased opportunities, greater confidence and improved self-esteem. These highly interactive, informative topics included social etiquette, communication skills and table manners were offered in the 2-day program. Children like to feel confident in social situations, and knowledge of social etiquette allows them to handle themselves and deal with others with ease. It included welcoming behaviors, shaking hands, introducing yourself, respect of others, good hygiene etc. Knowing the tools for effective communication builds self-esteem and leadership ability. The session included: conversation, listening, public speaking, use of please, thank you, excuse me etc. It is important for children to learn dining skills so they can be comfortable in any dining situation at home or away. The session included; table manners, seating posture etc. The children and teens had an exciting and memorable experience during the programs.